sheepish--knitting blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

finishing class

i have to say, it was great. the instructor (fran) was super knowledgeable and helpful and the 2 other women that were there were cool and funny and nice. just like you would expect knitters to be.

fran helped me solve my ugly thumb problem on my sis's bday mittens and they are ready to go. picture to follow after they are gifted. also, we got the one sleeve sewn on my ribby and i am starting on the second one. never made it to the must have cardi. but never fear, i signed up for another session. it was just so cool to see how someone else does things. i haven't had that experience since i learned to knit way back in college. and it was fun to chat. chatting is pretty much my thing.

they're calling for some oogy weather tomorrow. if it happens, i'll stay in and work on finishing, maybe start something new (a cardi version of this if i have the right yarn), and listen to some cast on. doesn't that sound great?


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