sheepish--knitting blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

baby bolero ii

shrimpy bolero well, well. i didn't finish my sock. but lookie, i started this yesterday, and i believe if i don't lose my train of thought i can finish it directly! i changed my plans because i have been procrastinating (imagine) on baby gifts, and one of the recipients will be in town in two weeks from san diego. i would love to give it to her in person. so, it would seem i am way ahead of the schedule. wrong! we are going to dinner with another really good friend who is also pregnant and actually due sooner, and this one is for her. i am going to start the other one tomorrow, then finish them both at the same time. after that, i still have two more to make, bringing the baby bolero grand total to five. if i complete all these, i will feel like a truly organized knitter, planning gifts and actually giving them in a timely manner. and this probably is way out of control, but i have also been envisioning little socks from leftover sock projects and possibly a hat or two from scraps of all the boleros. no school+no job=finished projects.


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