sheepish--knitting blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

making things happen

so i got a job. it's seriously going to cut into my knitting and riding time, but it was unavoidable. especially since i went back to school and all. anyway, i'm mostly excited because i think it's a cool job in an academic setting, and that's important to me. the downside is it's a yuck commute, but that's being solved with some flexibility in hours and 3 weeks vacation from the start. i just have to get my head around being employed. and the kitties are really going to miss me. or so i like to think.

i'm headed back to my lys for a second finishing class. i didn't show the progress from last time, but we got my ribby straight, all it lacks is a collar which will be finished this shortly. what we are focusing on this week is my must have cardigan. i still lack a big project on the needles. maybe i'll ponder that whilst sitting amongst all the yarny goodness.
colinette 7 trekkingi did buy some sock yarn last week. the greenish is colinette jitterbug in the toscana colorway. i just love the colors. i am going to try a pair of toe up socks with this because it's a little skimpy in yardage and i want to use as much as possible. the other is trekking xxl and i don't know the colorway. it's much more brown that i anticipated, not sure how i like the colors, but i'm working on a jaywalker. i am worried that gauge is already a problem. gauge is starting to take all the fun out of my sock making of late. i'm going to keep going because i am such a daredevil. not really...i spotted a knot in the skein and my plan is to knit to that, then swatch, then rip (or not).

don't laugh, but i'm practicing getting up early, because i'm not what most people would consider a morning person. i'll need to get up at 6am for work, so that's what time i got up today. ofcourse i am still in my robe and have been emailing, reading blogs, downloading music and drinking coffee. not exactly work, but it's a start. i estimate i'll need to be on the road by 6:45 to be at the office by 7:30. it's doable. and we have a new coffee pot to make sure that's the case.

so, i'm off to make things happen.


Blogger Operakatz said...

Ooh that Jitterbug is pretty! I have to admit, I pay NO attention to gauge with my sock knitting...I just start with a US1 needle and see if I like the fabric that comes out with a particular yarn and then whatever size the socks turn out, I can always find someone they'll fit. Bad bad bad, I know, but I do swatch for bigger projects so socks are my daredevil/recreational projects hehe

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how's the getting up early going? i could always call you every morning when i get up between 5 and 5:30 ;-)


8:22 AM  

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