sheepish--knitting blog

Monday, February 19, 2007

hi-ho, hi-ho

so this is it. today is the first day of the rest of my life. not really. today is the first day back in an office. it's been awhile, so i am more than a little nervous. i don't have an outfit picked out and that is stressing me. also, i don't know where to park, but i can get that ironed out when i get there, i suppose. today will more than likely be filled with paperwork and meeting tons of people i won't remember. atleast it's a holiday for some folks, so i am hoping the commute is not so bad. normally i would be leaving a little earlier to avoid it.

my knitting schmoo came to visit this weekend. it was a very low key weekend as she had a touch of something when she got here. she was never able to tell if it was food poisoning or some virus, but much time was spent in the bathroom. by sunday she felt more like herself and was able be vertical and have some interest in food. poor schmoo. we did get her hubby's vd scarf finished and blocked. and we here at chez sheepish feel fine. for now.

in knitting news, i finally sewed on that silly sleeve for my ribby. i tried it on, and it's little, but not too small. i would definitely go up a size or 2 if i made it again for a roomier fit. i had 3 balls left over for the third size?...and the measurements matched a roomier cardi that i have. who knows? day i'll make something perfect that i just love love love. in the meantime this will work. it is probably the nicest looking garment i've ever made. i'll work on the collar then take it to a tailor for the zipper this weekend. and mark it off my list with great flourish.

my jaywalker is moving on. i worked on it a bit this weekend, but not as much as i should have. it is to the heel flap. i'm liking the stipes and the colors after all. all i needed was some better lighting.

time to go get ready for my big day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so how was the first day back?


5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update your blog!!

12:49 AM  

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