i was in canada just a week or so ago to celebrate the recent nuptials of my sis and her canadian husband. a good time was had by all. but i, mostly likely had the best time. not only was everyone super nice but they even let me operate their fancy farm equipment. crazy. fun. that's me. right there in the cab of that fancy john deere. seriously.

also my sis, her hubbie, and friend humored me with a trip
to the local yarn store. cute shop with all sort of goodies. i made purchases of the canadian yarn variety, my first koigu ever. the clerk was nice and when i apologized for the behavior of my non-knitting companions she laughed and said, "some people just don't get it." true true. but they got it enough to let me go. i did catch a bit of grief later, but it was totally worth it.
in further canadian news, i'll be headed to montreal later this month for work. so there is the possibility of even more canadian yarn shopping in my future. in fact, i should do some research.
i have some knitting to show, but i'll save that for another post. don't want to overdo it.